Damage to the genetic apparatus more gross than that described above can sometimes be seen when the chromosomes of dividing cells are examined microscopically. An extra chromosome may be found, e.g. there instead of the normal pair of No. 21 chromosome are commonly present in cases of Down’s syndrome.. but it is not understood how the chromosome abnormality leads to the physical and mental defects found in this condition. Total absence of one chromosome from all body cells is almost invariably incompatible with survival, with the notable exception of the Y sex chromosome, present in males(XY) but not in normal females(XX). Individuals with one X and no Y chromosome are phenotypically females but have a group of physical abnormalities including dwarfism and failure of ovarian development known as Turner’s syndrome. Structural abnormality of chromosome in the form of deleted portions or added pieces derived from other chromosomes, or unusual shapes such as rings, are sometimes found and may be associated with characteristic clinical syndromes. In a family variety of Down’s syndrome the two No. 21 chromosomes are normal but there is an abnormal No. 13 chromosome with an attached extra piece derived from a No. 21. This arises from a reciprocal exchange of fragments between two chromosomes during meiosis.
As would be expected, the gross chromosomal abnormalities described above, affecting all the cells of the body, lead to complex abnormalities since many genes must be involved. They arise during meiotic division of germ cells, the presence of an extra chromosome or absence of a chromosome being due to failure of separation of a pair of homologous chromosomes (non-disjunction); one of the resulting gametes will have an extra chromosome and the other will be correspondingly defective. Structural chromosomal abnormality is due to chromosome breakage with re-arrangement of fragments during repair. The reciprocal exchange of unequal fragments between nonhomologous chromosomes (translocation) accounts for the occurrence of abnormally large or small chromosomes.
Abnormal chromosome numbers (aneuploidy) and structural chromosomal aberrations are invariably found in the cells of malignant tumors. The best known example of a consistent structural chromosomal aberration is the ‘Philadelphia’ chromosome, present in white and red blood cell precursors in the marrow in chronic myeloid leukemia ( a neoplastic proliferation of leukocytes). Radiation damage is known to cause chromosomal abnormalities in somatic cells and the frequency of chromosomal breakage has been used assess exposure to radiation. Aneuploidy and structural abnormalities in individual chromosomes are also found in other circumstances, e.g.. in thyroid epithelial cells which have proliferated following stimulation by pituitary thyrotrophic hormone, and in cells damaged by viruses.
Staining techniques which demonstrate structural transverse banding patterns are revealing less gross abnormalities and variations in chromosomes and proving valuable in relating normal and abnormal genes to particular sites on individual chromosomes (gene mapping ).
Nutritional nuclear damage
An interesting and clinically important form, of nuclear damage is encountered in patients deficient in vitamin B12 or folic acid. The nuclei are larger than normal but contain less than optimal amounts of DNA for cell division. The chromatin of the large nuclei is arranged in a fine threadlike fashion compared with the condensed masses seen normally. And when mitosis occurs the chromosomes in affected individuals are longer and less tightly coiled than normal. These changes occur in many tissues but are best known in the precursors of red cells in the bone marrow which is said to exhibit megaloblastic erythroblastosis. In addition to nuclear enlargement in megaloblasts there is increased amount of cytoplasm, cytoplasmic basophilia due to excessive RNA and premature haemoglobinisation as judged by the immature state of the nucleus.
The mechanism of these changes is incompletely understood. Folate plays an essential role in the synthesis of purine bases and thymine, and deficiency of these substances presumably impairs nucleic acid synthesis, especially DNA which, unlike RNA, contains thymine. This could explain the delay of DNA synthesis prior to cell division together with excessive cytoplasmic growth and premature haemoglobinisation. Vitamin B12 is thought to influence nuclear structure by affecting folate metabolism. Methyl folate is inactive in purine and thymine biosynthesis and one of the main functions of vitamin B12 is the transfer of methyl groups from methyl folate for the synthesis of choline. Accordingly, when there is severe vitamin B12 deficiency as in pernicious anaemia megaloblastic change occurs due to accumulation of methyl folate, and is reversed temporarily by the administration of folic acid, and permanently by life-long administration of vitamin B12.